Each day you can rate the television programmes you watched the day before, giving rating scores (on a scale of 1-10) to those programmes you watched for at least 5 minutes. In this way you can let the television channels know what you think of their programmes, information that is used in deciding what programmes will be broadcast in the future.
Cada día se puede evaluar los programas de televisión que viste el día anterior, dando puntuaciones de clasificación (en una escala de 1-10) a aquellos programas que viste durante al menos 5 minutos. De esta manera se puede dejar que los canales de televisión saben lo que piensa de sus programas, información que se utiliza para decidir qué programas serán transmitidos en el futuro.
Each day you can rate the television programmes you watched the day before, giving rating scores (on a scale of 1-10) to those programmes you watched for at least 5 minutes. In this way you can let the television channels know what you think of their programmes, information that is used in deciding what programmes will be broadcast in the future.